Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Owning Your Greatness

I went on a personal development program last week called Own Your Greatness. It was a life-changing and heart touching event. I made many shifts and learned it is never too late to unpeel more layers of beliefs, thoughts, filters or subconscious patterns that no longer serve.
During the three days we explored being self-aware and self-observant, our purpose, our sacred gifts, our next mission, our personal core values, giving without conditions and receiving.
We went through a process to discover our sacred gifts. My top three were Facilitation, Teaching, and Knowledge. The Sacred Gift of Facilitation means that I lead groups effectively making sure everyone is heard. The Sacred Gift of Teaching means that I can take complex info and make it easy and enjoyable for the learner. The Sacred Gift of Knowledge means that I love learning new things and can assimilate large amounts of information and love sharing the knowledge.

We also looked at our core values. My core values are:

  • Challenging the Status Quo
  • Facilitating Change
  • Creating a Legacy
  • Inspiring Leadership
  • Making an Impact and Making a Difference
  • Living a Life of Meaning
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Honoring my Beingness
  • Holistic Health and Wellness
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Inclusivity
  • Continuous Learning
We worked on uncovering our life mission through various processes. Here is my first draft. I declare my primary purpose is to light a spark in women entrepreneurs through being a master facilitator, teacher, and spiritual guide. I do this through my writing, teaching and empowering women to nurture their soul and find their purpose so as a collective we can make a profound difference in the world. In return, I have the joy of feeling on purpose, living a life of meaning and depth. I am connected to my Beingness and am grateful for the prosperity and love that comes to me. I can travel and take my family with me and earn a residual income. I am sure this will change as I work on it more.
The purpose of all this workshop was to really embrace who we are and truly own our greatness. So, I challenge you, the reader, to look inside and see if you can get clear on your path through looking at your values and your mission. I would be happy to assist if you need any coaching.
Here’s to your greatness!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

What is a Healthy Urine Colour

Urine is a waste that is produced by the kidneys. The kidneys filter about 200 quarts of blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine. Not only do the kidneys filter the waste, they reabsorb the important elements and get rid of the wastes and extra fluid. The colour of the urine can be an indicator of your lifestyle and well-being,
The colour of the urine can depend on many things, like what you have eaten, the medication you might be on and how dehydrated you are.
What is usually said is that the urine of an individual who is well hydrated and healthy should be clear. I beg to differ. What I say is that the urine of an individual who is well hydrated and healthy should be clear and bright fluorescent yellow.
It needs to be clear because that indicates that you are hydrated. Once it gets dark yellow or orange, that indicates you are dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, urine becomes more concentrated as the body tries to hold onto as much water as it can.
The bright fluorescent yellow color would partly come from the pigment called urochrome or urobilin and partly from riboflavin.  Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is one of the B vitamins. B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins, which means that what your body doesn’t use is excreted in your urine. It also means that you need to ingest B vitamins daily as they are not stored in your body.

So why is B Complex important?

B Complex is vital for proper bodily function, as it helps maintain the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients. There are eight essential B vitamins, and they work best when they work together. The typical North American diet doesn’t provide enough whole grains, leafy green vegetables, or fish needed to provide adequate B vitamin intakes, so it is important to supplement.
B vitamins are nicknamed “happy vitamins” or “stress vitamins” and are used daily to feed the central nervous system, manufacture hormones and regulate homocysteine levels in the blood.
B Complex helps convert our food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. B complex vitamins can help with a variety of conditions, including anxiety, depression, heart disease and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). In addition, some people take B Complex to increase energy, enhance mood, improve memory, boost skin and hair health and stimulate the immune system.
As for myself, I use my urine as an indication of whether I have enough B Complex in me. When my urine pales out, I take more B Complex. I want clear and bright fluorescent yellow urine all day.
I often hear this question.  If I see this clear and bright fluorescent yellow, am I not just peeing it out and wasting my money? The answer is that only the excess is peed out. The B2 is nature’s way of letting you know if you have adequate amounts of B Complex. Your need for this water-soluble vitamin differs each day, so the urine is a great indicator of whether you have enough that day.  You want evidence 24 hours a day that your level of B Complex is 100% to maintain proper balance in all the above functions.  Even a slight deficiency will create problems.
So, here’s to your urine being clear and bright fluorescent yellow. Drink your water and take B Complex.
To your good health,

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

“A Wrinkle in Time,” A Reminder to Love

IA Wrinkle in Time” on opening day. “A Wrinkle in Time” is an adaptation of the 1962 book of the same name written by Madeleine L’Engle.  It is a blend of science fiction, quantum physics, fantasy, and a young adult coming-of-age narrative. It is the story of Meg, an awkward and brilliant teenage girl, who adventures across space and time to rescue her scientist father.
went to see the movie “
The movie had some of my favorite actresses, Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, and Oprah Winfrey who played the three cosmic godmothers and I was introduced to a newcomer Storm Reid who played, Meg Murry.
What I loved about the movie was the essence of the movie, reminding us that love is the answer. It also encouraged my imagination to think outside the box. Because there were so many times that the actors uttered great wisdom, it is a movie I will see again. I will take my daughter, when she gets back to town for her birthday since the movie came out on her birthday.
In the story, Meg’s character represents a common human struggle in the difficulties involved in growing up and trying to find one’s identity. She must find courage by challenging her weaknesses. Her desire to find her beloved father is her incentive. So even though she felt freakish at school due to her love of math and science, in her journey they became tools for her transformation. Her journey allows her to defeat the darkness when she learns to embrace the person she is, and realize that she is beautiful, extraordinary and deserving of love. She comes into her own power and claims her gifts and abilities she did not know she had. So, she becomes a carrier of the light.
So, what do I mean by carrier of the light? I believe it is a calling for each of us. We all face darkness. The movie called the darkness “the It” or Camazotz. Darkness takes on many forms in our world.  At one point there was a great scene showing conformity as one of the forms of darkness. So, the question is, what are you doing to fight the darkness? What are you willing to stand up for? What really matters to you? What is worth putting yourself on the line for? When we take the time to examine these questions, we get more clarity and possibly more self-awareness.
I believe we are all struggling to define ourselves in a world that doesn’t always accept us for who we are. So, asking ourselves, what do I really want, and if what shows up is not what you really want, asking it again and again until there are clarity and growth. It is time to awaken our consciousness and move in the direction of the light to accomplish what you say you want.
Meg’s brother Charles Wallace, portrays a child who seems to have a direct line to the essences of things. He was the “role model” for being open to the unknown. He was the one who saw the three wise guardians Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which first. So, we use the analogy that he was more in touch with the divine. Ask yourself, how in touch with the divine are you? The divine is the light (love). When we are in touch with the light, we can be the light.
In the movie, the father asks in one of his lectures before his disappearance, what if we are here for a reason? What if we are part of something truly divine?  Something to contemplate, how are you going to use your light? You have a limited time on this earth to use your light, how are you going to use it? How are you going to impact your life and the lives of others?
So, I leave you to ponder these questions and if you need any assistance or coaching, please feel free to reach out.
Here’s to love and light!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

10 Quick Energy Boosters

We live in such a go, go society. We are constantly on the move. As a result, we get tired from all this running around. Here are some quick tips to get your energy back on track.
  1. Take a breath

Just take a moment and notice your breathing. Once you do this you will probably, just through the notice, take a deeper breath. Continue to breathe deeply. The focus on your breath will temporarily quiet your mind as well. This can be done throughout the day as a quick refocusing and re-energizing.
  1. Stretch

When we are constantly on the go, stress builds up in our muscles. Doing gentle stretches can re-energize and can bring the blood flow back into the muscles. Maybe make this a new habit to do every few hours, especially if you are working in front of a computer all day.
  1. Lie down and meditate

Take time out and lie down. Set the timer for five or ten minutes and give yourself a timeout. You can meditate if you want or just experience the silence. You will feel so much better after you give your mind a rest. Be careful not to lie down for more than an hour during the day as when you get up, you will feel groggy instead of energized.
  1. Exercise or take a walk

Find little exercises you can do for a few minutes here and there throughout the day. Or go for a five-minute walk to re-energize yourself.
  1. Take a whole food natural energy supplement

Sometimes our blood sugar needs a pick-me-up. Instead, the usual coffee and donuts, head towards a whole food natural energy supplement. It will give a more natural energy boost, not the temporary one that the caffeine and sugar gives you.
  1. Drink water

Drinking water is so important, as when we feel tired, it can be a sign of dehydration. So, a real quick energy booster is drink some purified water.
  1. Smile or even laugh out loud

Even if you must fake it at the beginning, give this a go. Even if you feel silly for a bit. This will affect your mood and your mindset and give you more energy.
  1. Listen to your favorite music

This is a quick energy booster. You can even dance around to the music. Music is good for your brain health as well.
  1. Recite some positive affirmations or get in touch with your vision

This can change your energy quickly as we are what we think. When we say these affirmations out loud they can be even more powerful in changing our energy. When we align with our vision, it is totally energizing.
  1. Being grateful

Think of something that you are grateful for and feel it and hold that image for a few minutes. You will feel your energy change for sure with this one.
There are many more energy tips that you can add to this list. Just remember to actually do some of them and you will feel so much better for it.
Now I have a quiz for you. Take a guess as to my favorite energy booster and then email me your answer. I will send you a gift for taking a guess even if it is not the right one. Have fun and get energized!
To your good health.