Monday, February 20, 2017

How Does Epigenetics Impact Our Health?

What on earth is epigenetics?
In the area of genetics the scientific community has been studying what is called epigenetics. Previously it was thought our genes were the molecular units of heredity and we were predestined to what we inherited. It turns out that genetic data (the genome) has a outer expression called epigenome. The epigenome consists of chemical compounds that modify, or mark, the genome causing the genes to express themselves differently. They can tightly wrap inactive genes making them unreadable and they can relax active genes making them more accessible. These modifications do not change the DNA sequence, but instead, they affect how cells “read” genes.
What does this mean to us?
What is interesting is that epigenetic tags react to signals from the outside world. Now research is showing gene expression can be changed by habit, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, emotions, diet, lifestyle, even unconscious beliefs through the epigenome. The epigenome is flexible and modifies gene expression in response to our environment. With this new scientific breakthrough, it appears we can become masters of our genetic makeup rather than victims of it.
When we begin to lift our energy, we begin to signal genes in new ways because it is new information. Our body will re-organize in a matter of moments to create a new brain pattern. This changes our state of being. I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza that the receptor sites on the outside of our cells are 100 times more sensitive to frequency than they are to chemistry. If existing neural pathways do not have a purpose, they will not survive. Ineffective or weak connections are cut off and this allows the brain to adapt itself to its environment, along with the new wiring thanks to the epigenetic tags.
How can we use this to improve our health?
The key is to realize that now there are scientifically verifiable ways showing that the gene expression can be changed by habit, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, emotions, diet, lifestyle, even unconscious beliefs through the epigenome.
When we take a conscious role in redesigning our lives and our health, we are also redesigning our brains and even our genetic expression. Our new focus is to become conscious of our habits, attitudes, beliefs, our thoughts, emotions, what we eat and our lifestyle. All of these we have conscious control over. We can choose what attitude we are going to adopt for the day as well as what kinds of foods we are going to put into our mouths.
Becoming conscious in this world of distractions is really our ultimate goal as we are bombarded every moment and operating in an unconscious manner about 97% of the time. Every minute, day by day, we need to choose positive thoughts and healthy food, so that the messages to our genes are going to build a healthy body and not one that is disintegrating.
Easy to say but harder to implement. Hopefully this blog will give you some “genetic” motivation to stay focused on becoming more and more conscious of making the right choices to support your body getting healthier and healthier.
To your good health,

Monday, February 13, 2017

2017 is a Fire Rooster Year – A Year of Leadership

Chinese astrology is considered to be the most ancient system in the world. Each zodiac year is not just associated with an animal sign, but also one of five elements: Gold (Metal), Wood, Water, Fire, or Earth. Both the zodiac sign and the element shape the astrology of the year. This year 2017 we have just entered a Fire Rooster year.
What does this mean for you and your business?
In the year of the Fire Rooster, everyone will experience a major transformation. This year is going to bring fresh challenges. It is a time of new beginnings. A time to celebrate your uniqueness, a chance to bring hope and transformation to those around you.
The fire energy is connected to the sun energy and to summer, the season of expansion. It expresses itself as joy and allows us to give and receive warmth, love, laughter and enthusiasm.
The rooster energy is about staying on track and punctuality, crowing to awaken people. The rooster energy means that you have something to accomplish and it’s time to “rise and shine”. The rooster teaches you the lesson of using your voice for the greater good. His crow reminds us that we have much to be grateful for.
The Fire Rooster energy points to getting long-neglected or delayed projects done or at least helping you to make measurable progress this year. It’s also a year focused on personal improvement and well-being.
The rooster conveys the impression of leadership. There is a leader within every one of us with so much potential. There are many ways to show up as a leader in the world. Many people think of leaders as the people who are “out there”, the ones you see, the ones out front. But there are other types of leaders as well. Some leaders make great partners and love to co-create. Some leaders act as mentors or coaches and are very supportive and are behind the scenes leaders.
The bottom line is that we all have an inner leader. The place where you are being your best authentic self, trusting your own inner compass and taking responsibility to be the best version of yourself in every situation. Where you stay true to your values, acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, and live a purpose driven life.
Leadership means making a difference, creating a positive change; providing the impetus, new thinking and energy that creates an atmosphere of change that improves the world.
There is an incredible potential inside you waiting to break free. Are you ready to step up to being a leader? The choice is yours. Will you utilize the rooster and the fire energy this year? How will you create your 2017 year?
Just go to to arrange a complimentary session to explore the possibilities.
Here’s to a fantastic 2017! You absolutely can make it great!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The word diet can mean “a daily food allowance” from Old French and Medieval Latin meanings . Or if we look at the Latin and Greek meanings, it can mean, “a way of life, a regimen”.
There are so many diets out there, I won’t begin to cover them all. I will only mention some of them in order to make a point.
The Atkins Diet significantly reduces one’s carbohydrate intake to control the levels of insulin and consumes a higher proportion of proteins than normal.
The Zone Diet aims for a nutritional balance of 40% good quality carbohydrates, 30% fats, and 30% protein each time one eats. The focus is also on controlling insulin levels.
There are various types of vegetarian diets: Lacto, Fruitarian, Lacto-ovo, Living food diet, Ovo-, Pesco, and Semi-vegetarian. The majority of vegetarians do not eat animal-based foods, except for eggs, dairy, and honey.
The Vegan Diet involves not eating anything that is animal based, including eggs, dairy, and honey. Many vegans adopt veganism not only for health reasons but also for environmental and ethical/compassionate reasons.
The Paleolithic (Paleo) Diet consists chiefly of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit, and excludes dairy or grain products and processed foods.
The Raw Food Diet involves consuming foods and drinks which are not processed, are completely plant-based, and ideally organic.
The Mediterranean Diet emphasizes plant foods, fresh fruits, beans, nuts, cereals, seeds, olive oil as the main source of dietary fats, cheese and yogurts are the main dairy foods (not exceeding 8% of calorie intake) , some fish and poultry, eggs, small amounts of red meat, and some wine.
Summing up the “Western Diet”, it is high in sweet and fried foods, and studies show that eating this way raises a person’s risk of dying early.
You get the idea, so many versions of eating depending on people’s desires (like weight loss) and lifestyles. Every year there is a new diet that hits the media. People are hungry for that quick fix.
The challenge I have with all of these diets is something called biochemical individuality. None of these diet plans are going to be good for everyone. Each one of us needs different foods even on different days and different seasons. The other aspect is that some people have sensitivities to various substances and food so can’t possibility follow a laid out diet. Then there are the physical symptoms that the person may be experiencing already, that has to be taken into consideration.
So in my 40 plus years of practice as a nutritionist, I have never once offered the same diet plan. Every individual needs something different and even that is different depending on the season. It’s about being in harmony with nature.
Today I read about someone who said the Paleo Diet made them sicker and it compelled me to write this blog. Stop trying to fit your body into someone else’s diet plan. Get an assessment from a holistic nutritionist and find out what your body is looking for. If you want take advantage of my expertise, check out
To your good health,